Cupping Therapy (CT)

Definition of CT

Cupping therapy (CT) is an ancient traditional therapy, which is known as one of the alternative medicine methods for preventive and therapeutic purpose in many aspects of health problems. Increasingly more people have turned to this therapy in many parts of the world. Therefore, it is one of the most often-requested alternative medicine methods.

Aim of CT

CT creates a vacuum drawing on the skin and muscles in to the cup to increase oxygenation and capillary blood flow, to activate lymphatic system, to regulate the function of organs by assisting in the elimination of waste products from the body. Depending on the treatment the cups are left in place for 5-15 minutes. The skin’s appearance generally returns to normal within 10 days.

Styles of CT

1) Dry-CT: It provides one of the best deep tissue massages by creating a vacuum effect within cups (plastic-PVC, silicone, glass or bamboo), which is called as dry-CT.

2) Wet-CT; In this procedure with combination of vacuum, the skin is lacerated by superficial incisions so that blood is drawn into the cup using a vacuum, which is also known as “hijama” and it is seen to be more effective than dry-CT. Wet-CT is generally considered safe and painless when performed by trained and competent professionals.



Regions of CT

Recently, CT has become a popular treatment in the clinical area. This procedure is like a deep tissue massage to increase circulation. In the current protocol; CT was done in 13 points as follows: 2 points at the postero-lateral aspect of the head, 2 points bilaterally at the renal angle, 2 points bilaterally between the tibia and fibula infero-lateral to the knee, 2 points bilaterally at the dorsum of the feet above the big toe. Generally, CT follows the lines of the meridians at different points on the body.



Figure 1. CT Regions.

Benefits of CT

There are many studies in the literature regarding the positive effect of CT on body. Majority of studies have been proposed to illuminate the health benefits of CT in clinical settings by World Health Organization (WHO). CT is also plays an important role in regulating various health issues such as pain, myofascial problems, inflammation diseases, digestion, social behavior, mental or sleep problems. Briefly, CT carries the potential to improve the qulity of life and treats the following conditions;

CT application areas

  • Breastfeeding Problems

  • Lactation problems

  • Facial Paralysis

  • Stroke

  • Fatigue

  • Arthritis

  • Osteoporosis

  • Anemia

  • Heart Disease

  • Insomnia

  • Digesiton problems

  • Migriane - headache

  • Genital-oral ulceration

  • Bowel problems

  • Emotional Problems

  • Cellulite

  • Skin Problems

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Hypertension

  • Diabetes Mellitus

  • Metabolic Syndrome

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Headache

  • Back - Neck Pains

  • Menopausal symptoms

  • Asthma

  • Poor memory

  • Anemia

Precautions and Contraendications

CT should always be done by a licensed practitioner who is familiar with the techniques of cupping as well as the acupressure points. CT is contraindicated in cases of severe disease such as cardiac, liver or renal failure, allergic purpura, acute eczema and hemorrhagic diseases. CT should not be used on the hernia region or broken bones. Pregnant women can wait until the 2nd trimester.

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