Frequently Asked Questions About Aesthetic Surgery

Frequently Asked Questions About Aesthetic Surgery

You can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about Aesthetic Surgery here.

The rate of thinning varies from patient to patient. An improvement of one to five cm can be seen.

Rhinoplasty is popularly known as nose aesthetics. Rhinoplasty is the most applied plastic surgery in recent years. Congenital or subsequent problems are eliminated with this surgery and the nose is made more aesthetic.

Nose aesthetic surgeries are not painful. Since anesthesia is applied during the surgery, the patient does not feel anything. However, there may be some pain after the surgery. These are relieved with painkillers.

If no change has occurred 12 months after the operation, it remains the same. In short, even after years, rhinoplasty remains the same.

Permanence varies depending on which method is applied. In some methods, the breast can shrink again after a while. But some methods provide permanence.

There is no danger after breast augmentation surgery. It is not a procedure that endanger the health of the patient.

In breast lift surgery, the patient does not feel any pain. After the operation, tenderness and mild pain may occur.

Between 8 and 10 kilos of fat is removed from the body. This amount of fat loss is achieved in a single session.

If the patient gains too much weight after the procedure and then loses these weights, sagging may occur again.

It is a method that provides the elimination of all problems that occur after giving birth. It includes the following procedures such as Tummy tuck, breast lift, vagina tightening etc.

The patient is discharged after staying in the hospital for one night. After a few days, the patient can continue his/her daily life. However, the patient needs to use a corset for a few weeks.