Reflux Surgery

What is Reflux Surgery?

At the junction of the esophagus with the stomach, there is a 2 cm sphincter structure called the hiatus, which acts as a valve. In case of insufficiency of this sphincter, stomach contents leak back into the esophagus, causing symptomatic findings. Reflux surgery, in which the laparoscopic method is used, is a procedure performed to reconstruct the damaged sphincter (valve) so that the stomach contents do not escape into the esophagus.

Who is treated with reflux surgery?

Those who are diagnosed with reflux by endoscopy, who do not respond to medical treatment, who develop serious complications and who are generally 20-50 years old are suitable for this procedure.

How to Perform Reflux Surgery?

With the laparoscopic method, the stomach is reached through small incisions of 1 cm in the abdomen under general anesthesia. The fundus part of the stomach is wrapped around the lower part of the esophagus like a sleeve to form the sphincter. It is seen that the procedure has become popular because it is very safe and comfortable and effective results are obtained in a short time.

Preparation Before Reflux Surgery?

If the patient is using blood thinners, he/she should stop 5-6 days before. If there are diseases such as asthma and hypertension, the doctor should be informed. Eating and drinking should be stopped 8 hours before the operation. If the patient has a gastric hernia, it can be planned to be corrected with this procedure.

Points to consider After Reflux Surgery?

The duration of the procedure is about 1-1.5 hours. The patient can go home the day after the operation. The patient should lie in a semi-sitting position. If pain occurs, it is controlled with medication. The patient can walk 4 hours after the procedure. Oral feeding begins with liquid. Then switch to soft foods. A week or two of swallowing difficulties can be considered normal. After the 3rd week, solid foods such as meat can be consumed easily. Maintaining a healthy eating habit is ensured by eating little and often. You can return to routine daily work within a week. Dissolvable stitches are used. You can take a shower on the 3rd day.

Sexual intercourse is not recommended for two weeks. Alcohol and smoking should be avoided. Heavy work should be avoided for 3 weeks. One week after the procedure, the control is made. Acidic foods such as coffee, tomatoes and citrus fruits should be avoided against the possibility of recurrence.

Reflux Surgery Prices?

The price of this procedure varies according to the type of surgery and the medical condition of the patient.

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