Swallowable Gastric Balloon

What is a Swallowable Gastric Balloon?

  • The swallowable gastric balloon procedure is a temporary weight loss method that does not require any surgery, endoscopy and anesthesia to fill a significant portion of the stomach volume.

What Does a Swallowable Gastric Balloon Do?

  • This balloon, which takes up space in the patient's stomach, restricts food intake and makes the person feel full.

  • It slows down the speed of food passing through the stomach.

  • It helps the patient to lose weight by 15-20% during the period of staying in his stomach. It makes a great contribution to weight loss, especially in the first 12 weeks (average 15-20 kilos are lost).

  • During the procedure, many health problems related to obesity will be significantly improved.

  • Its advantage over other bariatric surgery procedures is that it protects the stomach structure.

How is a Swallowable Gastric Balloon being applied?

  • X-rays are taken to make sure that the gastric balloon, which looks like a silicone or vegetable-based capsule, is in the correct position when it reaches the stomach after being swallowed by the patient under the supervision of a doctor. While the capsule is in the stomach, it is inflated by filling it with air or liquid (550-700 cc) with the help of the catheter at the end of the balloon. X-rays are taken again to confirm that the balloon is full.

  • When the balloon is full, the catheter is slowly removed and the application is terminated. The procedure takes an average of 15-20 minutes.

  • Your consciousness is open during the application. Your doctor will inform you at every stage of the procedure.

  • The average duration of the balloon in the stomach is 4-6 months.

What are the Types of Swallowable Gastric Balloon?

  • Some gastric balloons can remain for 1 year (Orbera). At the end of this process, the balloon must be removed. Otherwise, it may adversely affect stomach functions.

  • Since the structure of some gastric balloons (Allurion Elipse) is very thin, it dissolves on its own 4-5 months after it is placed and is naturally expelled from the digestive system, and most of the patients do not feel that it has been expelled from the body.

  • The volume of some gastric balloons can be adjusted according to the needs of the patient (Spatz). It requires endoscopy and can remain in the stomach for 1 year. It is preferred by obese individuals who need to lose more weight.

  • The traditional gastric balloon (Medsil) can be inserted into the stomach using the endoscopic method under general anesthesia. Eating and drinking should be stopped 8 hours before the procedure. The residence time in the stomach is usually 6 months. The duration of this day surgery is approximately 30 minutes.

To Whom Swallowable Gastric Balloon Can Be Applied?

  • This procedure is more preferred by people who cannot lose weight with diet and exercise, who do not want to have surgery and who have a high risk of having surgery.

  • It is especially applied to people between the ages of 18 and 65 and whose body mass index is between 27-40.

In Which Situations A Swallowable Gastric Balloon Is Not Suitable?

  • Patients should not have severe reflux, gastric ulcer or gastric hernia for gastric balloon application.

  • It is risky for those who have a history of gastric surgery.

  • It is not considered suitable for pregnant women, those who want to become pregnant, and those who are addicted to alcohol.

  • It is not applied to people who have psychological problems and people who have problems in the esophagus.

Points to consider After the Swallowable Gastric Balloon Procedure?

  • The probability of a problem occurring during the insertion of the gastric balloon is very low. Since there may be stomach sensitivity after the procedure, watery foods should be consumed for the first 3-4 days. However, nausea, vomiting or cramping may occur in the first few days. These symptoms go away after a week.

  • Liquids should not be taken before and after meals.

  • Alcohol and other high-calorie and fatty foods should be avoided.

  • If the patient's discomfort continues after the procedure, nutritional counseling is given. If the problem still persists, the balloon can be removed. But this is very unlikely.

  • After the gastric balloon, the patient should continue to exercise and eat healthy and prevent weight gain again.

Cost of Swallowable Gastric Balloon?

  • Swallowable gastric balloon prices may vary in İzmir, Turkey. All examinations of the patient are performed and it is determined how suitable it is for this situation. Thus, it is decided whether the procedure will be implemented or not.

  • If you want to get rid of obesity with the swallowable gastric balloon application, you can contact us immediately and get detailed information about the procedure.


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