
What is Vaginoplasty?

Vaginoplasty (vaginal tightening) is the process of repairing the vagina that has worn out and lost function over time. Regaining vaginal tightness leads to healthier and happier women.

Why Vaginoplasty is Necessary?

Conditions such as aging, weight gain, smoking, previous infections, genetic connective tissue deficiency, multiple pregnancy, large baby, episiotomy, abortion, birth traumas and menopause can cause loss of elasticity and enlargement in the vagina of women. In order to eliminate this situation, the surrounding tissues and vaginal muscles are tightened to obtain a tighter and more aesthetic appearance. Weakening of the muscles can cause problems such as gas and noise due to air leakage of the vagina, excessive wetting, sexual dissatisfaction and urinary incontinence. Due to all these problems, this procedure, also called vaginal rejuvenation, is the most preferred genital plastic surgery and has a rapid increase in trend all over the world.

How Vaginoplasty Is Performed?

It is performed under general or local anesthesia. In order to accelerate tissue healing, it is recommended to perform this procedure within 10 days following the end of menstruation. The operation takes approximately 1 to 2 hours. There is no obvious risk. During the procedure, the vagina is narrowed and the soft tissues are brought into a tighter form, and there is no change in the length and depth of the vagina. If there are conditions such as active vaginal infection, discharge and warts, these problems should be treated before the procedure.

Preparation Before Vaginoplasty?

First of all, you should not eat or drink anything until 10 hours before the surgery. It is recommended not to have sexual intercourse the day before the procedure. In addition, you need to take a few days off from your school or work. At the same time, some blood and urine tests are also performed. In addition, since vaginoplasty cannot be applied to pregnant women, a pregnancy test is required.

Points to consider After Vaginoplasty?

  • The patient can return home 2-3 hours after the procedure. Since dissolving stitches are used, there is no need to remove stitches. No scar remains.

  • It is recommended to take the antibiotics and painkillers recommended by the doctor regularly.

  • A few days after the operation, the patient can move freely.

  • Sexual intercourse is not recommended for 4-6 weeks. Hygiene of the perineum should be given importance. It is very important to prevent infection. It is absolutely necessary to monitor whether an infection has occurred.

  • There may be spotting bleeding for a week after the procedure. If bleeding still continues after 10 days and the amount increases, it is necessary to inform the doctor and be examined.

  • There may be swelling and bruising for a while after the procedure. If swelling and bruises persist 1 week after the procedure, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

  • It can be observed after a few months for full results to be obtained. It is not an obstacle for birth, but the same problem can be seen again after birth. If necessary, vaginal tightening can be performed again 4-6 months after delivery. As long as there is no birth, the restorative effect of the procedure is permanent.

  • Vaginal tightening with laser, which is a non-surgical procedure, can be performed during breastfeeding.

Vaginoplasty Prices

Vaginoplasty prices may vary depending on whether an extra procedure will be applied to the patient. You can contact us and get detailed information about it.


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